Lol I'm taking a course in french so that explaines the topic. Anyway, I haven't been blogging since school started... That's mostly cause I've been really busy with school stuff, and then I was sick for a week so now I've got even more stuff to do. I've been thinking a lot about what I should do with my blog, because I usually don't have much time for blogging, and I don't even have time for camwhoring anymore ( and the actual purpose of my blog was to post camwhore pics here... okay that doesn't sound right but I'm to tired to think how it's supposed to be said so I'll just leave it like that). But, I really like blogging! Even tho nobody reads this I still want to continue for some reason. Maybe someday I'll get more readers ( I think probably not).
Okay whining about shit wasn't really the meaning of this post ( it really wasn't!). I was going to write about what I want to get for this fall if I ever get money ( which I doubt). But anyway here goes:
Of course I wouldn't get the exact same items, cause they're all from japanese brands, and I'd have to order them online, and I never have the energy to do that lol. But I've seen some simular items in stores so I guess I'll just start hunting for the perfect jacket :p
Not only in these colours, I'd also like one in forest green and one in burnt red.
I'd love this kind of a skirt, but I don't know if I'd have the confidence to wear it
I'd like this kind of shoes or some boots.
I also want a necklace like this:
Okay, I probably could have chosen a pic that shows the necklace better, but I love the whole outfit so I wanted to share it ^^
Okay that's pretty much all I've got to say. I really hope I can afford to buy at least one thing from my autumn wishlist.
Well, Bye Bye then!