tiistai 31. toukokuuta 2011


Guess what people?
I broke my phone fml.

Well thank god it wasn't very expensive! And now I might get a new one sooner. Except the phone I want is only sold in Japan goddammit! Or well,  you can get it in Finland, but not in the colour I want, which is this:

So unfaiiir!!!! Why can't they have the pink edition in other countries tooo???!!!! I reallyyyyy want this phonee!!!!

Ummm whining again heheee......

But whatever, it's my blog so I wright what I like ( and anywayyyy I don't think my X amount of readers care lol)

Okay soo anyway, I should pack for tommorrow! ^^  BYE


(Hahaa yeah wtf? I just randomly started listening to this, and then I noticed the russian version which I had never heard, and I think it's better than the english one)

maanantai 30. toukokuuta 2011

Off again!

Hello folks!

It's been a looong loong time since last post, but I haven't really had that much to update about exept a couple of new buys which I'll post about later. But the point with this post is:

I'm going on a Stockholm cruise again! This time with my class tho.

So yeah, we're leaving the day after tommorrow, and I'm really excited!!! It's fun to go to Stockholm again, and this time I don't have my stupid parents with me! Buut yeah, I don't even have any pics, so I'll just say Good Night/ Morning whatever to you people. I'm off to sleep now~

tiistai 3. toukokuuta 2011


Wish I could be there now ;___; It was so warm that day and now it's fuckin cold! -__-