Wohoo!!! March 1st already!!!! Spring is getting closer!!!!!
Okay, optimistic much ( not that it's bad to be optimistic)? But when I look outside it's still pretty white.... Tho it was a lot warmer today than it's been ^^ and anyways, it's much lighter and that makes me really happy!!
Anyhow here's todays outfit:

New shirt from Zara ~
Btw talking 'bout Zara, maaan I love there spring collection!!! I went to Zara yesterday ( when I bought the shirt) and I didn't want to leave!! They had really gorgeous stuff! Of course, what should I expect, Zara always has gorgeous stuff ♥ but this was especially gorgeous!! I mean just look at this stuff!!!:
I reeeeeallyy love this skirt!!! At first
I thought like " bleh, orange?" but then
I realised I actually liked it. ^^
And these shorts are just to die for!!!
I have to buy them!!! n__n
And the floral top is ♥
They all look way better IRL ofc.
Okay, I think that's enough of that, here's some camho pics:

I really gotta pee-pose lol
Haha, okay that's all I've got to share today.