So today was a really boring day, except for the evening when it was my granpa's birthday dinner. My granma makes really delicious food. n__n hoho! Haha but anyways, in the morning, ( and most of the day) I had nothing to do. So my mom made me go outside for a walk. At first I didn't want to, so I spent like two hours making my hair, and it didn't even end up looking good (lol). But then mommy got really mad, and I had to go.
So I took my camera with me so that I could take some pictures outside (lol I should get a life :P).
And then I ended up walking to a forest. I was following some path there, and I knew the area well, so I shouldn't have gotten lost there, but when I was almost at the end of the forest, I came to a place where I used to play with my sisters when I was little so I went there to take some pics. But then I heared somebody was coming, and I wasn't wearing almost any makeup, so I decided to go deeper into the forest so they wouldn't see me (lol). And then I got lost. Fail!
So I started listening to Aya Hirano's Set Me Free and tryed to find my way out of there. So then I found some path, and I started following it, even thow I was afraid it would lead to an old witches cottage ( yes, for the fourth time LOL, I'm weird).
And then I finally found my way out.
Phew, that was a lot of text! Here's some pics from the forest, and almost no-make me:

My fat feet ><

My outfit. Lol, I look like a blowfish :P

Me sitting on a fallen tree.... bleh, almost no make -.-

The forest

Finally out of the forest... yay!

When I came home we went t0 our grandparent's house to celebrate my granpa's birthday.
And look what Granma gave me!

Milka-chocolate! n__n
Hohoo! I'm gonna get fat of all the chocolate I eat, but whatever!
Okay, so this was a kinda long post, considering I only have one reader ( go Trixie! :P). But blogging is fun, so whatever! ^^
Okay, now I'm off to watch some indian movie with my (not so)dear family. Bye!